Useful Information

[Visual Guide] New ThreeTrader Account Opening Procedure [Easy Account Creation with the Latest Smartphone Images] (ThreeTrader)

We will explain how to open a new account with ThreeTrader

using a visual guide with smartphone images to make it easy for anyone to follow.

With ThreeTrader,

you can easily open an account in just 2 steps.

  • Step 1: Create ThreeTrader Account
  • Step 2: Acquire MT4 Trading Account

Step 1: Create ThreeTrader Account

1. Go to the ThreeTrader account opening page

First, please click on the link below to navigate to ThreeTrader’s account opening page.


*Please note that if you register from any link other than this one, you will not be able to receive cash back from Money Charger.

How does cashback with Money Charger work?

2. Enter registration information

When you tap on the URL of the ThreeTrader official page, the ThreeTrader registration form will be displayed.

Enter the information required to register with ThreeTrader into the registration form.

Please enter the following information correctly.

  • Name: Enter your first name and last name in half-width Roman characters. Please use the same name as on your identification document.
  • Email: Enter your email address
  • Phone: Enter your phone number without hyphens
  • Site Login Password: Enter the same password in both fields

3. Check the box and tap “Next”

After entering the information for registration to ThreeTrader into the registration form,

check the “I’m not a robot” box.

Upon completion, tap on “NEXT.”

4. Enter additional information

Enter your additional information.

Please enter the following information correctly.

  • Date of Birth: Enter in the order of day, month, year
  • Current Address: Enter in Japanese in the order of street address & building name, city/town/village, prefecture, and postal code
  • Postal Code: Enter without hyphens

5. Tap “Next”

After entering additional information, tap “Next.”

6. Set account details and password

  • Account Type: Select Pure or Raw
  • Account Currency: Select JPY
  • Leverage: Select your preferred leverage
  • Password: Set your password
  • Confirm Password: Enter the same password above

7. Read the agreement, and if you agree, check the box and tap “Submit”

If you agree to provide identity verification information to ThreeTrader, check the top checkbox of the two.

By checking the bottom checkbox, you will receive emails from ThreeTrader regarding news and services to your registered email address.

If you prefer not to receive these emails, leave the checkbox unchecked.

After agreeing and checking the boxes, tap “Accept.”

8. Upload your identification document and proof of residence

Upload your identification and proof of residence.

You can choose one of the following three identification documents to submit.

  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • My Number Card/National Identification Card

You can choose one of the following two documents as proof of residence to submit.

  • Public utility bills such as gas, water, and electricity
  • Bank statement

9. Upon submitting the documents, tap “Confirm”

Your account setup is now complete.

Step 2: Acquire Account Information for the MT4 Trading Account

You will receive an email from ThreeTrader at the registered email address.

This email contains your account information for the MT4 server. Please ensure to keep it safe or write it down.

  • “Account Number (Login ID)” will be your account number registered with Money Charger.


The above is a visual guide with smartphone images for the procedure of opening a new account with ThreeTrader.

Next, let’s proceed with the application for a cashback account on the Money Charger My Page.

For an explanation article on applying for an FX account, click below.