MONEY CHARGER- Foreign FX Cashback Service


MONEY CHARGER (the “Company”) has established the following privacy policy (the “Policy”) regarding the handling of privacy information for affiliate services (the “Services”) offered on this website.

Article 1 (Privacy Information)

  1. Among Privacy Information, “personal information” refers to “personal information” as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and refers to information that can identify a specific individual (personal identification information), such as name, e-mail address, etc. registered for this Service.
  2. Among Privacy Information, “historical and characteristic information” refers to information other than “personal information” as defined above. This information includes browsing history, advertising history, searched keywords, date and time of use, usage method, usage environment, IP address, cookie information, location information, and individual identification information of the device.

Article 2 (Safe Management of Personal Information)

In order to keep users’ personal information accurate and up-to-date, and to prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, tampering, leakage, etc. of personal information, the Company implements necessary measures such as maintenance of security systems and thorough maintenance of management systems, and implements safety measures to strictly manage personal information.

Article 3 (Method of Obtaining Privacy Information)

When a user registers for the Service, we do ask for personal information, such as name and e-mail address.In addition, the Company may obtain transaction history, including the user’s personal information, and payment information exchanged between the user and its business partners from the Company’s service provider partners and other parties as necessary.

Article 4 (Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties)

The Service will not provide personal information to a third party without the prior consent of the user, except in the following cases:

  1. Cases in which there is a need to protect the life, well-being, or property of the individual, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the identifiable person.
  2. When the provision of information is required by law
  3. When the following items are notified or disclosed in advance:
    1. The purpose of use includes provision to a third party
    2. Items of data are provided to a third party
    3. Means or method of provision to a third party
    4. Suspension of provision of personal information to a third party at the request of the individual
  4. Cases in which there is a need to cooperate with a national government organ, local government, or person entrusted thereby with performing the functions prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the identifiable individual is likely to interfere with the performance of those functions.

Article 5 (Disclosure of Personal Information)

The Service will disclose personal information only to the user themselves when requested to do so.However, if any of the following applies at the time of disclosure, we may not disclose all or part of the personal information, and if we decide not to disclose the information, we will notify the individual to that effect without delay.

  1. When there is a risk that disclosure may significantly impede the proper operation of the Service.
  2. When there is a risk of loss of life, well-being, property, or other rights or interests of the individual or a third party
  3. When it violates other laws and regulations

Notwithstanding the preceding provisions, in principle, we will not disclose any information other than privacy information (personal information such as historical information and characteristic information).

Article 6 (Correction and Deletion of Personal Information)

When there are inaccuracies in the content of personal information and the user requests correction, addition, or deletion, we will promptly respond to the request after investigating the matter.In such cases, if the identity of the user cannot be verified, we cannot comply with these requests under any circumstances.

Article 7 (Suspension of Use, Deletion, etc. of Personal Information)

If the Service receives a request from the user for suspension of use or deletion of personal information on the grounds that the information is being used for a purpose other than its original purpose or that the information was obtained through fraudulent means, the Service will conduct the necessary investigation.Taking the results into consideration, we will take appropriate measures such as suspending the use of personal information, and notify the user to that effect.However, if the investigation, etc. required for the process of suspension of the use, etc. of personal information entails a significant cost, or if it is difficult to suspend the use, etc., alternative measures will be taken.

Article 8 (Changes to Privacy Policy)

The changed Privacy Policy shall be effective upon posting on the Website.