Useful Information

Money Charger Registration procedure [Easy with smartphone image explanation!]

How to Register for (Money Charger): A Step-by-Step Guide with Smartphone Screenshots
You can easily complete your Money Charger registration in just one step!

  • Step1:Create a Money Charger Account

Note: Registration is only required if you are using Money Charger for the first time. If you have already registered, please proceed to the “FX Account Registration” section.

Step1:Create a Money Charger Account

①Access the Money Charger account creation page using the link below.


②Enter the required information and tap “Register” to complete your registration.


  • Name (in English letters):Enter your name in Roman letters.
  • Email Address:Enter the email address you wish to register.
  • Password:Enter a password that includes uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers, and is at least 8 characters long.
    Password (Confirmation):Re-enter the same password as above for confirmation.
    With this, the Money Charger Registration process is complete.


This concludes the step-by-step guide with smartphone screenshots on how to register for Money Charger.

Next, please proceed to open the FX account to be registered with Money Charger,
and then follow the steps for FX Account Registration.